Friday, April 24, 2009

You get out of it what you put into it!!

OK, so I have to comment after two things brought this to my attention.

Last night I was at spin and I always take my training seriously and give at least 100%. We were doing a number of differant things including hills, speed and one foot drills. During the workout I noticed one of the girls just cruising along at a high cadence for the amout of resistance that we were supossed to have, she was probably at 80 and I was struggling down at about 60. So I started watching her and anytime our couch told us to add a half a turn or a quarter turn she would barely move the resistance dial. I also noticed that when we stated and particular skill, we were told to increase the resistance untill we stated to feel it, but consistanly she would start with almost no resistance at all. No wonder she could be cruising along at a cadence of 80 or so when the entire rest of the group was struggling.

Second item. A firend pointed out a another frineds blog to me this morning and after reading it I thought about spin class girl and the comparison. This other frined is having doubts about Triathlons and that is understandable they are a challange and they take up a lorge part of your life and money. But I had to disagree about one of his points based onmy own experiances so far. He mentioned that he thought that you could not stay in shape just by swiming and/or biking, I completly disagree. He pointed out that if you go to any pool or anywhere bikers are you will see people in good shape but most of them would be overweight. My experiance would be the complete opposite. Where ever serious swmimers and bikers are you will see some of the fittest people that I have come across. At the masters group that I go to, 99% of all the swimmers are in GREAT shape. And if you ever watch a serios biking group, everyone of them is in fantastic shape. Take my brother for example, he is not a runner, but a biker, and he is very serious about it and he porpotionally lost about as much weight as I did strickly from riding and he is in great shape now.

I persoanlly just turned 39 and I am in the best shape I have ever been in my life! Yes I did loss the majority of my weight from running, but now that I am training for Traithlons, I have gone to a whole new level of fitness and conditioning. I have Abbs!!! Never seen them before I started Triathlon training.

So the root of my blog this time is that you will only get out of it what you put into it. If you sit on you spin bike and give half an effort then you will probably not be compleatly prepaired once the Triathlon comes around. I give 100% and I expect to get 100% back from my preformance and from my experiance at the Triathlon.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder. Occasionally I get frustrated when the scale doesn't move like I think it should. But then I remember that just *thinking* about running or eating less doesn't equal actually *doing* it. (The same can be said for practicing for school, if we're being really honest.)
    Glad your training is going so well.
